Our team at a glance

Bernd Buhse
Managing director
Tel: 05302 9100 0
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: bernd.buhse@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Marc Schreckenberg
Managing director
Tel: 05302 9100 10
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: marc.schreckenberg@galvanotechnik-kessel.de
Member of the Management Board / sales

Jessica Schnäker
Member of the Management Board / Head of sales
Tel: 05302 9100 11
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: jessica.schnaeker@galvanotechnik-kessel.de
Research & process engineering

Sven Lassetzki
Head of research & process engineering
Tel: 05302 9100 31
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: sven.lassetzki@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Kevin Kröhnert
Head of Engineering
Tel: 05302 9100 32
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: kevin.kroehnert@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Gian Klose
Tel: 05302 9100 34
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: gian.klose@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Christian Pankonin
Head of disposition
Tel: 05302 9100 87
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: christian.pankonin@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Cordula Peifer
Tel: 05302 9100 82
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: cordula.peifer@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Andre Schendel
Tel: 05302 9100 84
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: andre.schendel@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Pierre Pavlidis
Tel: 05302 9100 85
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: pierre.pavlidis@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Marc Ullner
Tel: 05302 9100 86
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: marc.ullner@galvanotechnik-kessel.de
Quality Assurance

Dr. Thomas Hartrampf
Head of Quality Management
Tel: 05302 9100 60
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: Thomas.Hartrampf@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Marc Wedemeyer
Head of Quality Assurance
Tel: 05302 9100 61
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: marc.wedemeyer@galvanotechnik-kessel.de
Human Resources

Nico Schreckenberg
Human Resources
Tel: 05302 9100 42
Fax: 05302 9100 49
E-Mail: felix.winter@galvanotechnik-kessel.de
Accounting & Purchase

Roland Bamberg
Head of Accounting & Purchase
Tel: 05302 9100 40
Fax: 05302 9100 49
E-Mail: roland.bamberg@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Mareike Grüne
Accounting & Purchase
Tel: 05302 9100 41
Fax: 05302 9100 49
E-Mail: mareike.gruene@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Ingrid Neumann
Accounting & Purchase
Tel: 05302 9100 43
Fax: 05302 9100 49
E-Mail: ingrid.neumann@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Marco Chiea
Head of Production
Tel: 05302 9100 71
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: marco.chiea@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Robert Ehlers
Head of Production
Tel: 05302 9100 72
Fax: 05302 9100 28
E-Mail: robert.ehlers@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Marco Schleich
Head of Maintenance
Tel: 05302 9100 56
Fax: 05302 9100 59
E-Mail: marco.schleich@galvanotechnik-kessel.de

Volker Zimmermann
Tel: 05302 9100 50
Fax: 05302 9100 59
E-Mail: volker.zimmermann@galvanotechnik-kessel.de
Contact overview
department | name | phone number | fax number |
Managing director | Mr. Buhse | 05302 91 00 0 | 05302 91 00 49 |
Managing director | Mr. Schreckenberg | 05302 91 00 10 | 05302 91 00 49 |
Member of the Management Board / Head of Sales | Mrs. Schnäker | 05302 91 00 11 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Head of Research & Rrocess Engineering | Mr. Lassetzki | 05302 91 00 31 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Head of Engineering | Mr. Kröhnert | 05302 91 00 32 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Engineering | Mr. Klose | 05302 91 00 34 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Head of Disposition | Mr. Pankonin | 05302 91 00 87 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Dispostion | Mrs. Peifer | 05302 91 00 82 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Dispostion | Mr. Schendel | 05302 91 00 84 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Dispostion | Mr. Pavlidis | 05302 91 00 85 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Dispostion | Mr. Ullner | 05302 91 00 86 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Head of Quality Management | Mr. Dr. Hartrampf | 05302 91 00 60 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Hrad of Quality Assurance | Mr. Wedemeyer | 05302 91 00 61 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Human Resources | Mr. Schreckenberg | 05302 91 00 42 | 05302 91 00 49 |
Head of Accounting & Purchase | Mr. Bamberg | 05302 91 00 40 | 05302 91 00 49 |
Accounting & Purchase | Mrs. Grüne | 05302 91 00 41 | 05302 91 00 49 |
Accounting & Purchase | Mrs. Neumann | 05302 91 00 43 | 05302 91 00 49 |
Head of Production | Mr. Chiea | 05302 91 00 71 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Head of Production | Mr. Ehlers | 05302 91 00 72 | 05302 91 00 28 |
Head of Maintenance | Mr. Schleich | 05302 91 00 56 | 05302 91 00 59 |
Maintenance | Mr. Zimmermann | 05302 91 00 50 | 05302 91 00 59 |